The Community Health Worker Asthma Home Visiting Learning Community: A Recap

 December 15th marked the last of six sessions for MAAP’s Community Health Worker (CHW) Learning Community for Asthma Home Visiting which provided continuing education and networking opportunities.  Fourteen CHWs  -- all working in the 11 communities prioritized in the Strategic Plan for Asthma in MA participated; these CHWs were certified or seeking MA CHW Certification. We hosted guest speakers – including Bridgette Jones, MD, MSCR ,who discussed achieving justice in asthma care; Jody Kenneally Chase, CPNP, who gave a talk on asthma medications & delivery devices; Carmen Pagan, who spoke about her experience with home assessments and asthma trigger remediation; Shanyn Toulouse, DNP, MEd, RN, NCSN, who spoke about the role of the school nurse in asthma care and opportunities for collaboration with CHWs; and Nathalie Bazil, BSW, CCHW, Kamille M. Carthy, and Shanina Rosado, who promoted various professional development opportunities for CHWs through the MDPH Office of Community Health Workers and the Massachusetts Association of CHWs. Carla Caraballo, CHW and SDOH Program Manager from Lowell Community Health Center, co-facilitated the series, and throughout shared her journey as a CHW working on asthma and a variety of experiences that enriched the series. MAAP thanks all our wonderful guest speakers, as well as all CHWs who attended our sessions, for creating an active and collaborative learning space.